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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!

We provide exceptional Trade and Financial
services to individuals and business

We understand the financial challenges

Your better tomorrows can begin today

We provide exceptional Trade and Financial
services to individuals and business

We understand the financial challenges

Your better tomorrows can begin today

We provide exceptional Trade and Financial
services to individuals and business

We understand the financial challenges

Your better tomorrows can begin today

We provide exceptional Trade and Financial
services to individuals and business

We understand the financial challenges

Your better tomorrows can begin today



This is simply the credit period which is extended by the creditor of the business.
Trade credit is extended based on the creditworthiness of the firm which is reflected by its
Earning records, liquidity position and records of payment. Just like other sources of working
Capital financing, trade credit also comes with a cost after the free credit period.

Normally, it is a costly source as a means of financing business working capital.