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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!

We provide exceptional Trade and Financial
services to individuals and business

We understand the financial challenges

Your better tomorrows can begin today

We provide exceptional Trade and Financial
services to individuals and business

We understand the financial challenges

Your better tomorrows can begin today

We provide exceptional Trade and Financial
services to individuals and business

We understand the financial challenges

Your better tomorrows can begin today

We provide exceptional Trade and Financial
services to individuals and business

We understand the financial challenges

Your better tomorrows can begin today



Cascade Coins provides complete range of Commercial Fleet Financing and Fleet Management Services to help you save time and money and reduce environmental impact. Our tailored solutions address the lifecycle of the fleet - from strategic planning and financing to Management and remarketing - to generate the maximum return on the investment. Cascade Coins renders its fleet financing services to the below mentioned areas: Individual Auto Financing Commercial / SME Fleet Financing Corporate Fleet Financing Company vehicles are a key asset that can help ensure a prosperous future for the business. We can make this a reality. We offer a range of programs and services designed by experts in the field to increase efficiencies, reduce costs and maximize the value of your company vehicles. When it's time to get new company vehicles, a flexible, cost-effective financing makes sense for the business. Cascade Coins is capacitated to arrange a variety of fleet for your business. We bring our financial experience and strength to help make your financing decisions easy, straightforward and profitable. Categories of Fleets: Major Fleet categories / types are mentioned below which may fulfill your business requirements to achieve growth goals. Light Transport Vehicle (LTV) Heavy Transport Vehicle (HTV) Medium Commercial Vehicles (MCV) Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV) Light Earth Moving Machinery (LEM) Medium Earth Moving Machinery (MEM) Heavy Earth Moving Machinery (HEM)